We understand that when resolving insurance claims for events such as fire, flood or subsidence, damaged asbestos materials need to be removed or dealt with safely, promptly and efficiently.
With our experience in this specialist sector, we also understand the importance of minimising the time it takes between identifying asbestos in a property and getting it dealt with.
We know that in these situations the policy holder is often in a distressed and concerned state – not only do they have to cope with the emotional distress and damage to their property – it’s also often a shock to discover they were unknowingly living with asbestos in the property in the first place.
We recognise that the presence of asbestos is another obstacle to getting the property back to normal and we undertake our work sympathetically in the knowledge our workplace is someone’s home.
Inspection, Survey and Identification
We will attend the site within 24 hours of receiving an instruction and report our findings in a further 24 hours.
Subject to the requirements of the client and the scope of work we can either take a sample upon instruction or alternatively provide a refurbishment and demolition survey of the areas in the property which will need to be repaired.
If required to reduce the reporting time, we can also provide mobile laboratories with this capacity to perform bulk and airborne analysis on site.
Asbestos remediation
For those asbestos containing materials which are not subject to the statutory notification of 14 days, i.e. textured coating, floor tiles, bitumen and cement, we undertake standard remediation within 5 working days of instruction.
With other asbestos materials such as insulating boards, thermal insulation and sprayed coating, remediation work typically takes around 14 days, resulting in an overall timescale of 16 days.
For escape of water and kitchen fire claims where the asbestos material is contained within ceilings, we offer a ceiling reinstatement service.
By employing multi-disciplinary teams the ceiling can be reinstated with plasterboard, taped and jointed and ready to be skimmed by a follow-on repair contractor. This means that the asbestos removal and ceiling reinstatement work can often be completed within one day.
This approach not only addresses issues with reinstating fire protection ratings, pendant and ceiling lighting, it also has the added benefit of providing a more acceptable finish to the policy holder more quickly.
Data Management and Process Control
In order to achieve our client led service level agreements, we have our own bespoke workflow management system that allows our call centre to effectively manage workflows. It also allows the sector management team to manage key performance indicators.